Giuseppe Micciarelli
Art Spaces as a Space for Politics
Naples, Italy · Law
A legal sociologist and political scientist (University of Naples Federico II), Giuseppe Micciarelli has been selected for the 2018 Afield Mentorship with his project Art Spaces as a Space for Politics to work with 2017 Fellow Mao Mollona.
He has published numerous essays and articles on commons and critical theory on neoliberalisation of public and private institutions. With his political and legal hacker methodology supports social movements, practitioners, associations, and local administrations to empower democratization tools.
He is one of the researchers and activists who developed the governance of urban commons in Naples, setting up civic and collective urban use; he designed the policy of creative and care income for cultural workers and supported dozens of regeneration experiences around the world, helping them to deal with public administrations and market coptation.
He is part of networks of artists and cultural workers such as Asilo Filangieri, AFIEL, IRI and different academic and political networks of urban commoning. He coordinates the democratic module on democratic innovation of the ProPart Master (IUAV of Venice). He is currently working on the transformations of democracy and participation in algorithmic governmentality, focusing on the risks of the platform society and the potential of digital politics. He was awarded with the Elinor Ostrom Award, and is president of the Commons Observatory of the city of Naples.